About Hurricane

Hurricane Image Encoder is a one-of-a-kind batch processing interface for our equally unique, standardized image format, Surge for the Web. Packaged in one application, Hurricane can be used in both command-line interface (CLI) and graphical user interface (GUI) modes of operation. Additionally, Hurricane supports every popular desktop operating system, in all architectures, including Apple Silicon!

What is Hurricane For?

Hurricane is Chosen Few Software's first-party solution to encoding Scalable, Streaming Raster Graphics (SSRG) formatted images and, at the moment, is the only existing product, commercial or otherwise, that can convert input images to this format. SSRG is significant as a project and image format because of the benefits it offers to website owners, and especially their low-bandwidth users. Surge for the Web has been empirically proven to not only be competitive with PNG as a perceptually lossless image format, but also creates tangible differences to the user's experience in browsing SSRG compliant webpages. Furthermore, websites serving SSRG images rather than their PNG counterparts demonstrate statistically and economically significant bandwidth savings for web hosts.

We Love FOSS 💖

Hurricane Image Encoder makes extensive use of Avalonia UI, a fully open-source C# .NET library that allows for writing beautiful, cross-platform desktop and mobile applications, all with the same code-base. You can find a copy of your Avalonia UI license in the oss-licenses directory that came with your Hurricane distribution package. Here at Chosen Few Software, we love Free & Open Source Software, and every line of code, written by every author, counts!!